   04-2359-0121轉 32418(研究室), 32419(實驗室)


My interest is mainly animal evolutionary physiology, particularly the comparative aspects of osmoregulation and respiration of intertidal organisms, such as the euryhaline fishes and crabs. Currently, I focus my attention to the application of phylogeny and systematics as the basis for discussing the morphological and physiological adaptation for the organisms investigated.

For both fish and crabs, gills are an organ with multiple functions, including gas exchange, ion regulation, nitrogenous waste excretion and acid-base balance. Whether the compensatory physiological responses have any evolutionary basis is an interesting question. I focused on examining the modification and trade-offs between the gills and other accessory breathing organs in the air-breathing fishes. In addition, crabs are one of the most widely distributed organisms on earth, ranging from hydrothermal vents, marine, intertidal areas, estuaries, fresh water and terrestrial regions. They are particularly suitable for studying physiological biodiversity.