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古鴻廷 Hung-ting Ku

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The Ohio State University-- History Ph.D. (1969~1973)


服務機關 服務部門 / 系所 職稱 起迄年月
東海大學 歷史學系 教授 1981~
東海大學 共同學科暨通識教育中心 教授 1994~



  1. 古鴻廷、莊國土等著, 2005 ,《當代華商網絡:台商與東南亞華 》,台北,稻鄉出版社。
  2. 古鴻廷、莊國土等著, 2003 ,《當代華商網絡:海峽兩岸與東南亞》,台北,稻鄉出版社。
  3. 古鴻廷著, 2003 ,《教育與認同: 馬來亞地區華文中學教育之研究( 1945-2000 )》,福建廈門,廈門大學出版社。
  4. 古鴻廷, 1999 ,《東海大學共同選修課程之改進》,台中,東海大學。
  5. 古鴻廷, 1999 ,《清代官制研究》,台北:國立編譯館。
  6. 古鴻廷, 1997 ,《東海大學通識教育課程之改進》,台中,東海大學。
  7. 古鴻廷, 1994 ,《東南亞華僑的認同問題:馬來亞篇》,台北,聯經出版社。
  8. 古鴻廷, 1989 ,《中國近代史》,台北,三民書局。
  9. Ku, Hung-ting. Kuomintang’s Mass Movement and the Kreta Ayer Incident(1927)
    in Malaya , Singapore, Nanyang University, 1976.
  10. 古鴻廷、王崇名、黃書林合編, 2004 ,《台灣歷史與文化(九)》,台北,稻鄉出版社。
  11. 古鴻廷、王崇名、黃書林合編, 2004 ,《台灣歷史與文化(八)》,台北,稻鄉出版社。
  12. 古鴻廷、黃書林合編, 2003 ,《台灣歷史與文化(七)》,台北,稻鄉出版社。
  13. 古鴻廷、黃書林合編, 2003 ,《台灣歷史與文化(六)》,台北,稻鄉出版社。
  14. 古鴻廷、黃書林、顏清苓合編, 2000 ,《台灣歷史與文化(五)》,台北,稻鄉出版社。
  15. 古鴻廷、黃書林、顏清苓合編, 2000 ,《台灣歷史與文化(四)》,台北,稻鄉出版社。
  16. 古鴻廷、黃書林合編, 2000 ,《台灣歷史與文化(三)》,台北,稻鄉出版社。
  17. 古鴻廷、黃書林合編, 2000 ,《台灣歷史與文化(二)》,台北,稻鄉出版社。
  18. 古鴻廷、黃書林合編, 1999 ,《台灣歷史與文化(一)》,台北,稻鄉出版社。
  19. 古鴻廷編纂, 1986 ,《清代都察院大臣年表, 1644-1911 》,舊金山,中文資料中心。
  20. 古鴻廷編纂, 1980 ,《清代大學士年表》,舊金山,中文資料中心。
  21. 崔貴強,古鴻廷合編, 1978 ,《東南亞華人問題之研究》,新加坡,教育出版社。
  22. 古鴻廷, 2005.08 , 〈戰後馬來亞地區福建人與華文教育之發展〉,《東南亞福建學研討會》,吉隆坡:雪蘭莪福建會館。
  23. 古鴻廷, 2005.04 , 〈馬來亞地區華文高等教育發展 之研究 〉,何國忠編《百年回眸:馬華文化與教育》,吉隆坡:華社研究中心,頁 307-346 。
  24. 古鴻廷, 2005.03 ,〈馬來西亞新紀元學院創立之研究〉《馬來西亞華人研究學刊》,第 6 期,頁 43-70 。
  25. 古鴻廷、曹淑瑤, 2004.04 ,〈亞洲金融風暴前後的臺越經貿投資關係〉,《 2004 年台灣的東南亞區域研究年度研討會》(台北:淡江大學東南亞研究所)。
  26. 古鴻廷, 2004.03 , 〈南洋大學的改革與關閉〉,李業霖編,《南洋大學史論集》,吉隆坡,馬來亞南洋大學校友會,頁 375-416 。
  27. 古鴻廷、曹淑瑤, 2003.08 , 〈馬來西亞寬柔中學之研究〉,張啟雄編,《近二十年來的海外華人》,台北,中華民國海外華人研究學會,頁 129-155 。
  28. 古鴻廷, 2003.03 ,〈新加坡南洋大學的改革與關閉〉,《南洋問題研究》, 2003: 1,頁 1-30 。
  29. 古鴻廷, 2003.01 ,〈 馬來西亞南方學院創立之研究 〉,《海華與東南亞研究》,第 3卷第 1 期,頁 84-108 。
  1. Hung-ting Ku, 2005.04, "Chinese Secondary Education on the Eve of Malaya Independence ," presented in the International Symposium on Malaysia and Sino-Malaysian Relations , Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fukien.
  2. Hung-ting Ku, 1998.09, "A Study of The Chinese Education in the British Malaya ," presented in the 1998 Conference of the Asian Studies Association ofAustralia , Sydney, Australia.
  3. Hung-ting Ku, 1996.07, "A Study of the Impeachment Cases in the Palace Memorials of the Yung-Cheng Period, 1723-35,” Tunghai Journal , Vol.37, No.1, Taichung , Tunghai University, pp. 235-254.
  4. Hung-ting Ku, 1994.07, “A Quantitative Study of Palace Memorials of the Yung-Cheng Emperor, 1723-35,” presented in the 1994 Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australis, Perth , Australia .
  5. Hung-ting Ku, 1994.07, “The Demise of Overseas Chinese Nationalism in Singapore : The Close Down of Nanyang University in 1980,” Tunghai Journal , Vol.35, Taichung, Tunghai University, pp. 109-126.
  6. Hung-ting Ku, 1993.07, “The Hard-earned Aloha: The Chinese in Hawaii in the Late Nineteenth Century,” Tunghai Journal , Vol.36, No.1, Taichung, Tunghai University, pp.36-
  7. Hung-ting Ku, 1992.06, “The Politicization of the Urban Masses in South China, 1924-27,” Tunghai Journal , Vol.33, Taichung, Tunghai University, pp. 67-86.
  8. Hung-ting Ku, 1992.03, “A Study of Imperial Control of the Yung-Cheng Emperor, 1723-35,” Chinese Culture , Vol.33, No.1, Taipei, Chinese Culture University, pp. 11-25.
  9. Hung-ting Ku, 1991.06, “The Urban Mass Movement in South China, 1923-27,” Part 2, Chinese Culture , Vol.32, No.1, Taipei, Chinese Culture University, pp. 1-32.
  10. Hung-ting Ku, 1991.03, “The Urban Mass Movement in South China, 1923-27,” Part 1, Chinese Culture , Vol.32, No.1, Taipei, Chinese Culture University, pp. 15-42.
  11. Hung-ting Ku, 1989.07, “British Colonialism versus Chinese Nationalism,” Journal of the South Seas Society , Vol. 44, Parts 1 & 2, Singapore, the South Seas Society, pp. 91-103.
  12. Hung-ting Ku, 1989.06, “Goo Kim Fui: A Chinese Community Leader in Hawaii ,” Tunghai Journal , Vol.30, Taichung, Tunghai University University, pp. 1-21.
  13. Hung-ting Ku, 1986.06, “The Kreta Ayer Incident in Singapore,” Tunghai Journal , Vol.27, Taichung, Tunghai University, pp. 35-51.
  14. Hung-ting Ku, 1984.06, “The U.S.A. versus China, the Nanking Incident in 1927,” Tunghai Journal , Vol.25, Taichung, Tunghai University, pp. 95-110.
  15. Hung-ting Ku, 1984.06, “An Inquiry into Dr. Sun Yat-Sen’s Nationalism,” Proceedings of International Conference on the Role of Christian Higher Education in Asia , Taipei, pp. 210-222.
  16. Hung-ting Ku, 1984.04, “Urban Mass Movement in Action: The Shakee Incident and the Canton-Hongkong Strike,” The Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinaca (ed.), Proceedings of Conference on the Early History of the Republic of China 1912-1921 , pp. 849-873.
  17. Hung-ting Ku, 1984.03, “Upward Career Mobility Patterns of High-ranking Officials in Ch’ing China, 1730-1906,” Paper on Far Eastern History , Vol. 29, Canberra , The Australian National University Press, pp. 45-66.
  18. Hung-ting Ku, 1983.09, “Some Notes on the Grand Council in Ch’ing China 1726-1911,” Paper in Social Sciences , No. 83-2, Taipei, Academia Sinica.
  19. Hung-ting Ku, 1982.12, “From Co-operation to Confrontation, Japanese-American Relations in the 1920s,” Annals, Chinese Association of Political Science , Vol. 10, pp. 335-372.
  20. Hung-ting Ku, 1980.03, “The Emergence of the Koumintang’s Anti-imperialism,” Journal of Oriental Studies , Vol.16, Hong Kong, Hong Kong University Press, pp. 87-97.
  21. Hung-ting Ku, 1979.04, “Urban Mass Movement: The May Thirtieth Movement in Shanghai,” Modern Asian Studies , Vol.13, No.2, London, Cambridge University Press, pp. 197-216.
  22. Hung-ting Ku, 1978.12, “Some Reflections on the Grand Secretariat in Ch’ing China (1644-1911),” Chinese Culture Quarterly , Vol.19, No.4, Chinese Culture University,, pp. 47-61.
  23. Hung-ting Ku, 1978.10, “Merchants versus the Government: The Canton Merchants’ Volunteer Corps Incident,” Journal of Royal Society for Asian Affairs, Vol. 65, Part 3, London, pp. 309-318.
  24. Hung-ting Ku, 1978.05, “History as an Interdisciplinary Study,” Bulletin of Chinese Historical Association , Vol.10, pp. 1-20.
  25. Wen-Lang Li, Hung-ting Ku, 1976.05, “The Recruitment and Transition of Taiwanese Elites,” Chinese Sociological Society , Vol.3, pp. 49-20.
  26. Hung-ting Ku, 1976, “A Study on Sun Yat-sen’s anti-imperialism,” Occasional Paper No.56, Singapore, Nanyany University.
  27. Hung-ting Ku, 1974, “The Emerging Urban Social Forces in the Early Twentieth-Centure China,” Historical Miscellany , No.9, ( Singapore), 1974-75, pp. 1-5.
  28. Hung-ting Ku, 1973.12, “ Urban Mass Politics In The Southern China, 1923-1927: Some Case Studies,” Columbus , Ohio, The Ohio State University Ph.D. dissertation.
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